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me & we

"Yes we are going to be empty nesters"

​My name is Christy Gary and my husband, Brad and I are about to enter a new stage in our life. 


In a few months no longer will:

  • our doors  be swinging open every 5 minutes

  • our refrigerator and pantry be stuffed full of food with reserve replacements on standby

  • our mudroom smell like bad cheese

  • we hear "Mom can I?"or "Mrs. Gary can we?" or "Sorry Mom..."

  • we hear the late night laughter as our sons and their friends wandering the house


 "Yes, we are going to be empty nesters". 



So, what do you do when you need to fill a void when you're an interior designer?
You find a project! 
We have decided it is time to downsize our home and we thought it would be fun to share the journey.
My husband and I have built and rehabbed a few homes over the last 27 years, so we thought why not? 
We hope to give insight to the pros and cons and the ups and downs of this process. 
In this blog I will be including videos of this process along with pictures.  We hope we inspire and also bring smiles. We invite you to come along with us and find out what "DownSizing" is really all about!
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